House Passes Immigration Bills Prioritizing Foreign Nationals Over American Interests

Press Release

Date: July 22, 2020
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Legal Immigration

Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale) issued the following statement after voting against H.R. 2214, the NO BAN Act, and H.R. 5581, the Access to Counsel Act. H.R. 2214 limits the President's executive power to suspend or restrict immigration to if it is detrimental to America's national security. H.R. 5581 would provide a right to access counsel for any traveler referred to secondary inspection at a port of entry, including dangerous foreign nationals. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the cost of these immigration bills would be more than $1 billion.

LaMalfa said: "Every President since Ronald Reagan has placed limits on immigration to protect our national security. In recent history, President Trump closed U.S. entry from China in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19 -- and he was right to do so. The NO BAN Act would dismantle the President's efforts to safeguard our borders from potentially dangerous foreign nationals. Even though the previous Administration used this power to limit immigration, House Democrats are consumed by their disdain for the President and are jeopardizing the safety of the American people.

"Additionally, House Democrats passed the Access to Counsel Act, which would give lawyers to all travelers flagged for secondary inspection at ports of entry -- even illegal immigrants. In tandem, these two bills weaken America's national security, drive up backlog at ports of entry, and give undue and costly protections to illegal immigrants."
